Bristol Corners

Pickleball Controversy

In the March newsletter, BCHOA announced plans to resurface the tennis courts…

(How much BCHOA spent on this project property owners can never know. BCHOA does not publish financial statements and when asked, they can’t even agree who the treasurer is, or how much cash is in the bank!)

So imagine the surprise when Pennington Lane residents learned from workers that pickleball courts were being installed just beyond their property line! 

The noise and controversy surrounding pickleball courts is well documented.  Pickleball is loud and the noise is irritating.  And now, two courts have replaced a single tennis court.  The board voted to install pickleball courts with no opportunity for public comment.

Decent residents of Bristol Corners are ashamed of this board’s actions.  How could a group of neighbors vote to destroy the right to quiet enjoyment for a few of their fellow neighbors?  It’s clear the board does not represent the interests of property owners.   They service the interests of Diamond Danny Abrams and his friends at the expense of other property owners.  This is the definition of corruption.

Please do not play pickleball on the BC courts!  There are plenty of courts in locations that do not disturb your neighbors.

Then, let’s deal with the corrupt BCHOA Board.  VOTE THEM OUT!  Then bring back our tennis courts, which have never been controversial.

“That’s your problem.” A non-resident of BC responds to a complaint of Pickleball noise disturbing the residents of Pennington Lane. Three of the four players do not reside in Bristol Corners.

Clare Techman, with paddle over her face, enjoys a game of noisy pickleball with her friends.

This is the sense of community the BCHOA Board has created in Bristol Corners. VOTE THEM OUT!!!

After over a year of costly construction, the Gazebo remains an eyesore.  BCHOA did hold a children’s party at the unstable structure.  And benches were constructed so residents can relax at their own risk!  The city of Novi rejected Danny’s reconstruction plan and required safety fence to be placed around the structure.  An inspector commented- “For what BCHOA has paid for construction so far, they could have tore down the structure and built a new one.”  While BCHOA claims construction will be complete by the end of September, the City of Novi has not received (nor approved) a reconstruction plan as of 9/10/2024.

Nice job Diamond Danny Abrams!   VOTE HIM OUT!!!


Danny Abram’s mis-handling of this project has created more than a year of frustration for local residents.

You can’t make this stuff up! Weeds growing on the island nearly touching the violation notice telling a neighbor to manage weeds in their yard.

You can’t make this stuff up!!!!

The corrupt BCHOA Board:

o Elected themselves in a fraudulent election. -Then violated the bylaws by voting to approve the process they used to elect themselves!!! (Bylaws and restrictions can only be changed by a vote of property owners.)

o Refuses to provide meeting minutes.

o Is not interested in input from property owners (except friends of Diamond Danny Abrams).

o Does not provide required financial statements including cash on hand.

o Shouts down property owners who ask legitimate questions.

o Does not hold the required annual assessment meeting.

o Raises dues in spite of having significant cash surplus.

o Fails to properly maintain stormwater basins.

o Failed to fix the reflecting pond which is now a mucky shallow mess.

o Has let the woodlands and wetlands be overrun by invasive species. “BCOHA is the only HOA in Novi that is doing nothing to control invasive species. This adversley impacts property values.” States a City of Novi official.

o Openly claims they do not understand the bylaws and the Declaration of Restrictions. …And now announces they are rewriting the restrictions!!!

You can’t make this stuff up. They think you don’t care. VOTE THEM OUT!!!

There are other qualified property owners who are willing to take seats on the board:

o A CPA for financial accuracy and transparency.

o A General Contractor who can stop BCHOA from getting ripped off. (BCHOA pays excessive amounts for sub-standard work.)

o A fitness instructor excited about hosting social events to rebuild our community. -Not food trucks and dangerous children’s parties!

o A business executive with extensive organizational experience.

o An engineer who would like to meet more of his neighbors.

o Area representatives for each area of BC to voice the interests of concerns of all property owners to the new BCHOA Board.

Last year these great neighbors were denied seats on the BCHOA Board- After Laura Hughes attempted to adjourn the annual meeting without holding a vote!!! They then lied about a new bylaw changing the maximum board members from 15 as stated in the bylaws to 7 members (themselves)! You can’t make this stuff up! Bylaws cannot be changed unless all property owners are given an opportunity to vote- Not just friends of Diamond Danny!

It’s now been 16 years of Diamond Danny, Laura Hughes and their mismanagement- countless failed projects and cost overruns. After last year’s shocking annual meeting/shouting match, one resident commented: “I believe these people are mentally ill. What would motivate them to lie to hold on to an HOA office for 15 years?”


Weeds are prevalent in BC landscape easements. VIOLATION: BCHOA is not maintaining it’s own common property!