BC News

!!!Breaking news!!! BCHOA Attorney Adam Randall believes it’s within the BCHOA Board’s rights to pass a ‘resolution’ to change BCHOA bylaws! -and a random attorney can ‘approve’ the resolution! This is truly dangerous. Members determine who and how many are elected to the board, not power-hungry officers. Yet BC residents are paying for these opinions! It’s time to stop the mini-me madness.

“The Bylaws set the number of Directors at five (5) to fifteen (15).  In June 2010, the Board adopted a resolution to reduce the number of Directors to three (3) to seven (7).  The Association’s attorney at that time approved reducing the number of Directors by resolution.  Seven (7) Directors complies with the five (5) to fifteen (15) range in the Bylaws, the Articles of Incorporation, and the Nonprofit Corporation Act, MCL 450.2231.  Therefore, the maximum number of Directors will remain at seven (7) until the Board passes a replacement resolution, or the membership votes to amend the Bylaws.”


Here’s an update from a BCHOA board member:


We will be conducting board meetings with the valid 7 board members as we decide to schedule them.   You will receive a response from our legal counsel shortly regarding your rogue website which contains inaccurate & misleading information.

Please do not contact me and remove me from any future emails as I consider it harassment.

Danny Abrams


So, after attempting to cancel the annual vote, then conducting a sham vote, then ignoring questions about the veracity of the election, he now considers emails sent to him to be harassment. Caution: Communication with some (3) BCHOA board members will be considered harassment.


Meeting minutes were requested from the property manager. Per usual, no reply was received. Your webmaster was in attendance. Here is a first-hand rendition.

Annual meeting summary: The BCHOA Board did introductions. Laura has been on the board for fourteen years and Danny couldn’t recall how long he has been a board member.

After introductions, the election agenda item was skipped.

Discussion focused mostly on board accomplishments. Several residents who raised concerns and objections.

Tib and Laura gave a high-level review of financials. (A full and detail review of financials and proposed budget priorities will be presented at the annual assessment meeting.)

Restrictions were discussed. Danny and Laura debated if the document was called ‘Declarations’ or ‘Restrictions’. Laura said the documents were confusing and she didn’t really understand them without an attorney’s help. However, Laura assured members that BCHOA was in complete compliance with these guiding documents despite her difficulty understanding them.

At 8:55pm Laura attempted to adjourn the meeting. She was reminded the primary purpose of the meeting was to hold an election. L&D eventually agreed to hold a vote- but with terms. Laura announced all board positions were full except two. Laura explained only seven board positions were allowed so only two new directors could be seated.

(In previous years, all volunteers were seated on the BCHOA board.)

Above is the bylaw that was misrepresented during the annual meeting.
The gazebo has been leaning for 3 years. It’s now stripped of its facade due to a failed repair attempt by BCHOA.
Our reflecting pond was nice 10 years ago. A the drain has failed and the pond is now a smelly cesspool.

The nature bridge used to overlook a beautiful marsh. It’s now a tunnel of invasive phragmites. BCHOA did cut back some of the weeds last year.

The tennis courts have not been maintained. They are full of cracks and debris. And the board is spending $30k for new pickleball courts, an announcement that shocked nearby neighbors who will be impacted by the noise.
Trash at the playground is a perpetual problem. Bags of dog poop sit for weeks during the summer.
The ‘protected woodlands’ have been over run with offroad vehicles (and invasive species).
The retention basins are overgrown with invasive weeds. But they provide privacy for a BCHOA Officer’s pool- and he likes the way they look…so the weeds seem to be here to stay.
Once beautiful trees are dying at an alarming rate. ‘We don’t know what to do about that’ the BCHOA officer assured those who attended the meeting.

Mr. O’Reilly:

The Board requested that I respond to you on a few points.